Well that sucked.  Bad.  I feel physically ill.  The Hawks NCAA Tournament is over seemingly before it started.  It would’ve been one thing if the Hawks had gotten blown out tonight and never had a chance.  I would’ve preferred that.  Too bad that wasn’t the case.  They dominated the game up until the final minutes of the first half, played okay for most of the second half and then fucking imploded in the final minutes and into over time.  Just a complete meltdown.  It was the perfect culmination of the entire season.  The team started the season hot, got all the way to #10 in the rankings, stumbled in the middle of the season and then collapsed losing 7 of their last 8 games including tonight.  They got outscored 14-1 in OT which seems almost impossible.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.  The refs fucking sucked.  That was clear to anybody with two eyes and a brain.  Woodbury looked great.  Marble looked awful.  Ending his fantastic Iowa career on a whimper which is too bad.  So that’s where we’re at.  A team that looked great at times maybe wasn’t as good as we all thought.

Taking a few steps back from tonight’s loss and attempting to look on the bright side, the program is in the best shape its been in a long while.  Fran has this thing going in the right direction.  Try and take solace in that even though this loss fucking stings.

At the very least we’ll always have these moments.

This helped.

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